Plate State Icons

The plate state icons tell you at a glance the current status of your experiments and screens, as well as the individual plates of which they are made up.

Note: You can override the state of a plate that has been imaged and viewed by right-clicking and selecting Mark as Not Seen or you click the Mark as not seen button in the Home tab.

Button Description
Experiment: Designed.
Experiment: Plates imaged but not viewed (at least one plate has new unviewed images).
Experiment: All plates imaged and viewed.
Experiment: Experiment contains a score that indicates a crystal hit and has unseen images.
Experiment: Experiment contains a score that indicates a crystal hit and images have been viewed.
Experiment: Experiment's plate has been dispensed.
Experiment: Plates have completed imaging schedules.
Experiment: Plates have completed imaging schedules, and contain a score that indicates a crystal hit.
Plate: A barcode has been printed for an experiment, which generates individual plate icons (and barcode numbers) in the Explorer.
Plate: A plate has been marked as dispensed.
Plate: A plate has unseen images.
Plate: A plate has unseen images and contains a score that indicates a hit.
Plate: The plate's images have been viewed.
Plate: The plate has completed its imaging schedule, the images have been viewed and it contains a score that indicates a hit.
Screen: A screen.
Screen Lot: A screen lot has been created for a screen, and a barcode has been generated for the plate.
Screen: The screen has been dispensed.


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